Identifying and analyzing the various social acceptability factors related to residual materials processing infrastructures: this was the mandate that the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) entrusted to TES in 2010.

TES carried out a rigorous, well-documented analysis, enabling the CMM to analyze the various options for its future projects from a new perspective, that of social acceptability. The results are based on the analysis of 25 case studies relating to the implementation of waste management infrastructure here and elsewhere, as well as projects covering the geographical areas of the CMM. The report has been presented on a number of occasions at conferences and training courses and continues to arouse great interest among municipal players.

This tool for assessing social acceptability, applied here to waste management, can be used in other sectors of activity. It is in line with the participatory approach advocated by TES to build social consensus and create the conditions for social acceptability at all stages and with all stakeholders.