This strategic mandate, jointly carried out in 2015 by TES and Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, is part of the Chantier sur l’acceptabilité sociale launched by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de l’énergie (MERN) in November 2014. The consultation process carried out within the framework of land development and reconciliation of land uses led to the tabling of a green paper in the spring of 2016.

The mandate carried out for MERN included conducting a diagnostic of existing practices and tools at the ministry and facilitating discussion tables bringing together stakeholders from across Quebec, to identify discussion topics for the ministry. TES’ unique expertise in social acceptability was also called upon to carry out an in-depth analysis of eight projects implemented in Quebec, in order to identify the factors that contributed, or not, to their successful implementation in communities.

In the end, the ideas put forward to MERN concern the need for better support for citizens, municipalities and promoters, and a more balanced consideration of all the impacts of a project, particularly in social and economic terms.

The report presented to MERN is now available online.