More and more, companies are relying on the creation of committees composed of citizens and other stakeholders to strengthen their relationships with their host community.

These committees, also sometimes called liaison committees, citizen committees, monitoring committees or advisory committees, play a key role in the harmonious cohabitation and monitoring of the environmental and social impacts of projects, whether they are operating sites or major industrial, mining, energy, urban development or local initiative projects.

Their creation may result from legal requirements, as is the case for certain mining or landfill sites, or from voluntary initiatives on the part of project initiators or municipalities.

Whether or not they are governed by law, these committees are essential to the development and maintenance of fruitful community relations. In particular, they help strengthen ties with host communities by providing a space for dialogue where members can exchange clear and relevant information on issues of interest, become actively involved in finding solutions and, above all, have an influence on decision-making. The earlier they are set up in the development of projects, the more they can improve them, often considerably.

Keys to success

To be effective, the establishment of a citizens’ committee must however be based on solid foundations.

A co-defined mandate and objectives

Its mandate, status, management, composition and operating procedures must be clearly co-defined from the start to ensure its effectiveness and longevity.

A credible and diverse composition representative of the different interests

A citizens’ committee must reflect the diversity of stakeholders and local issues. It must bring together both individuals from the community and representatives of local organizations. This pluralism aims to achieve balance in discussions and to address concerns from multiple angles. The presence of representatives of the organization or public authorities is necessary, but their role remains consultative.

A power of influence and reciprocal commitments

The success of a committee is based on formal commitments. The organization must guarantee adequate support for the committee, including funding, access to information and to the sites concerned, as well as consideration of the recommendations made. For their part, the members of the committee undertake to actively participate in meetings, share information with their respective networks, and respect the established ethical rules.

Its main role is to ensure transparent monitoring of the organization’s projects and activities, particularly with regard to environmental and social impacts. It is also a place where citizens can report incidents or make complaints, and where recommendations can be made to improve the company’s practices.

Maintaining long-term commitment

Maintaining the commitment of committee members over the long term is a major challenge. Participants’ motivation often wanes after a few years, often due to a lack of preparation for meetings, a difficulty to access technical information, or a lack of follow-up on the issues raised.

To avoid this, it is crucial to maintain an open and transparent dialogue, to regularly solicit members’ opinions, and to provide rapid responses to their concerns. Trust and active participation are essential to ensure the proper functioning of the committee and the success of projects in a sustainable and community-friendly approach.

We can help you

Transfert facilitates dialogue in more than twenty committees across Quebec and Ontario by supporting the implementation, logistics and coordination, facilitation, and writing of committee reports. Beyond the keys identified, our team of experts can help you achieve and exceed your objectives.

Contact us, we will be happy to support you with your needs related to your social performance and community relations.

Dominic Vézina, Director, Projects and Strategic Development and Partner will be happy to answer you: | 514-348-8827


To go further:

Dans quel contexte opter pour un comité de participation citoyenne 

Les comités de participation citoyenne : des espaces d’information et de concertation

Guide des bonnes pratiques des comités de suivi et obligations légales (secteur minier et des hydrocarbures) – MERN 2019