Serving Businesses And Citizens

Sectors of Intervention

TES operates in several sectors, in both urban and rural areas. It assists organizations and communities with major projects and the cohabitation of cohabitation industrial facilities and neighbourhoods. We offer innovative approaches to public consultation, citizen participation, and social acceptability.

Our areas of expertise include energy, mining, industry, transportation and land use planning, waste management, and sustainable development – ESG.

Framework for support and collaboration

In 2023, TES adopted a formal support and collaboration framework that excludes certain sectors from its development portfolio. Our support and collaboration framework is based on exclusion criteria that target specific sectors, and on collaboration principles that focus on the commitments and values demonstrated by our clients.

Principles of collaboration


The key is to ensure that the initiators and operators working with TES:

  • Respect, listen to and hear all concerned stakeholders and First Peoples
  • Deploy state-of-the-art public participation processes
  • Work to defuse any conflicts that may arise from their project
  • Make commitments and take actions that exceed the thresholds associated with regulatory or voluntary standards
  • Recognize and respect the right of host communities to accept or reject their project.

Excluded sectors

TES favours mandates from companies that have adopted progressive standards and practices regarding the environment, human rights and other social issues. Consequently, it excludes mandates from companies deriving their sales from activities it deems incompatible with the well-being of society or the environment. These sectors are:

  • Tobacco
  • Arms
  • Gambling
  • Adult entertainment
  • New hydrocarbon exploration, production, and transportation projects