Trainers who understand your challenges

Building a lasting dialogue with the community requires :

  • a range of empathetic reflexes
  • a detailed knowledge of constantly evolving standards
  • and, above all, practice!

That’s why the support we offer includes capacity-building for our customers’ teams, whether it’s for updating, practicing or learning more about success factors and best practices.

Solid field experience

Our team provides you with unrivalled training content – the fruit of lessons learned over more than two decades in the field!

Transfert’s trainers can help you develop your teams in the fields of social acceptability, public participation, impact assessment, public project review, aboriginal relations, crisis management and communication.

Transfert Environnement et Société has trainers in five regions of Quebec and is an organization accredited by the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail for the purposes of applying the Act to promote workforce skills development and recognition.

  • Our team offers some thirty different training workshops, each one more up-to-date and dynamic than the last.
  • The content of our training workshops is tailor-made to meet your specific needs.
  • Our training workshops are available in French and English
  • Practical exercises are included in all our training courses to maximize capacity building within your teams
  • Our training courses are tailored to the needs of the public, private and municipal sectors
  • Our workshops can be counted to help you achieve your company’s minimum 1% in-house training requirement
  • Our training workshops are eligible for government subsidies


Our training categories

Recent training courses

Recently, the team has developed new workshops that respond to the current issues and needs of our practice:

  • Inclusive mobilization and accessibility – How to increase the participation of all groups
  • Public Participation 2.0 – Informing and consulting the community in a context of physical distance
  • LQE and BAPE 2.0 – Quebec’s new environmental impact assessment and review procedures
  • Crisis management and best practices for maintaining trust in difficult times
  • Going digital and community relations initiatives
  • Contribution to the community – Ethics and best practices in donations and sponsorships
  • Social media – How to seize opportunities and reduce risks

Regular training

Social acceptability

  • The ABCs of social acceptability and the NIMBY (Not in my backyard) phenomenon
  • Social acceptability factors and social license to operate
  • Conflict prevention and management
  • Best practices in dealing with an angry public
  • Social management of nuisances and complaints

Public participation

  • Effective information and consultation processes
  • Ethics, values and best practices in public participation
  • Establishing and building a constructive dialogue with the community
  • All you need to know about monitoring committees
  • Community relations
  • How to consult in difficult situations
  • Innovative activities and practical tools for successful participation

Impact assessment and public project review

  • Demystifying the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE)
  • Roles and responsibilities of the project initiator in the environmental assessment process
  • How to take advantage of the various stages involved in authorizing a project
  • Consultation obligations and best practices
  • Communicating effectively at public hearings
  • Risk communication
  • How to prepare for an environmental impact assessment process
  • Social impact assessment

Aboriginal relations

  • History, traditions and rights of indigenous peoples
  • Intercultural awareness and constructive dialogue
  • Aboriginal land claims
  • Consultation obligations
  • Coexistence and harmonization of uses

Crisis management

  • Crisis management 101
  • Uses and essentials of a crisis management plan
  • Crisis management: management team and support team

Communication and media relations

  • Public speaking
  • Communication in a community relations context
  • Communication in the workplace
  • Ethics and best practices in media relations

Contact us

Take the time to improve your skills and optimize the conditions for your team’s success. Contact us if you have any questions, or to schedule a training session tailored to your needs!

Write to us at or use the contact form below.